
BS adaptor JT-DC24V12W-A1-IP44
BS adaptor JT-DC24V12W-A1-IP44
分类:Company news 時(shí)间: 2高清版美丽022-06-10 10:14

Information to be visibly displayed on free-acc高清大地ess website

(a) Maximum output power (W):


(b) Type of light source(s) for which it 成全姐姐is intended:


(c) Efficiency in full-load (%):


(d) No-load power Pno (W):

0.3W Max

(e) Standby power Psb (W):


(f) Networked standby power Pnet (W):


(g) A warning if the control gear TV成全is not suitable for dimming of light sourc影院艺术es or can be used only with specific types MV国语of dimmable light sources or using specific wi高清版在线red or wireless dimming methods. In the la动漫丁香花tter cases, detailed information丁香花GO on the conditions in which the control gear can 动漫视频be used for dimming shall be provided on姐姐直播 the manufacturer’s or importer’s website

not suitable for dimming

Information to be visibly displayed on free-acce中文版免费ss website

(h) Outer dimensions (mm)

L x W x H : 102x48.5x43.5 mm

(i) Mass (g), without packaging, and without lightinTV丁香花g control parts and non-lighting 动漫美丽parts, if any and if they can be physically免费丁香花 separated from the control gear


(j) Instructions on how to remove, ho高清版视频w to switch on/off, how to minimise thei国语MVr power consumption 


(k) If the control gear can be used with dim好姑娘飘雪mable light sources, a list of minimum chara丁香花在线cteristics that the light sources should hav影院TVe to be fully compatible with the con影院好姑娘trol gear during dimming, and p飘雪在线ossibly a list of compatible dimmable light高清版GO sources;

(l) Recommendations on how to disp艺术好姑娘ose of it at the end of its life in line动漫美丽 with Directive 2012/19/EU

Do not dispose of electrical appliance美丽高清版s as unsorted municipal waste, use s大地GOeparate collection facilities. Contact your姐姐艺术 local authority for information regarding the c丁香花飘雪ollection systems available. IfGO国语 electrical appliances are disposed好姑娘高清 of in landfills or dumps, haza姑娘成全rdous substances can leak into the 大地免费groundwater and get into the food chain, damagin丁香花TVg your health and wellbeing.

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 © Zhejiang Daming Optoele大地大地ctronics Technology Co., Ltd.&国语飘雪nbsp;

 Zhejiang Daming Optoelectronics T艺术GOechnology Co., Ltd.

Add:Dafang Village Industrial area, Dongcheng 大地在线Town, Linhai, Zhejiang Province.

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